Home > Artworks > Maria Rosaria D'Alessio

Photo of Maria Rosaria D'Alessio Italy

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Born July 1954 in Bedford, UK of Italian parents. Studied Dress Design at Luton College, of Art & Technology, with L.S.I.A.D. (Licensors of Industrial Artists & Designers) examination at the London Academy in 1976.

From the of age 32 a permanent...

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13.39 x 14.96 in
7.87 x 5.91 in
9.45 x 10.63 in
27.56 x 27.56 in

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Born July 1954 in Bedford, UK of Italian parents. Studied Dress Design at Luton College, of Art & Technology, with L.S.I.A.D. (Licensors of Industrial Artists & Designers) examination at the London Academy in 1976.

From the of age 32 a permanent resident in Italy. Originating from the Dress Design business has howver always nutured a personal passion for drawing and painting in various mediums and with various subjects of interest.

Exhibited at the Cà Bianca Club in Milan and a number of local exhibitions and extemporary painting events. Winner of a N.Y. Soho Gallery’s international competition. In 2011 year exhibited in a Japan group exhibit, a group exhibition at the Artisti Europei a Cremona, Italy and Biennal di Chianciano Terme, Italy.

Inspired by the beauty of “nature’s works of art” as well as the beauty of “man’s works of art” in its many wonderful forms of artistic expression that can be seen in every corner of beautiful Italy and our beautiful earth, subjects are sometimes real, sometimes imaginary, composition may reflect nature or be a personal compositional experience, maybe one that will tell a story or that will make a statement or that simply… is! Preferred mediuma are watercolor/gouache, and oil, acrylics, charcoal & pencil & sometimes use mixed mediums.

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